Grateful patient giving

recognize the outstanding care you received 

At UCHealth Northern Colorado Foundation, we value the relationships built between our patients and their care teams, and we cherish moments when that connection grows into impact. Thank you for making a gift in gratitude for the care you experienced.

The foundation offers many ways for patients to make a gift in honor of a caregiver who impacted their visit or stay, and in celebration or in memory of loved ones. Gifts of all sizes add up to make a big difference for health care in our community.

All gifts to UCHealth Northern Colorado Foundation are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult with your tax adviser for information regarding your tax deduction. Thank you for helping to make northern Colorado a healthy place to live!


Kathleen Michie is an oncology services manager who works at the UCHealth Cancer Center in Fort Collins, and inspires many people she meets. Rightfully so, she was the inspiration for the start of our Grateful Patient program in 2008 and was the first person to receive a Grateful Patient pin.

These pins represent a patient or family member’s donation to UCHealth Northern Colorado Foundation in recognition of an employee who provided outstanding care. Michie has received over a dozen pins since then—tangible acknowledgments of the ways she continuously makes a difference.

Read Michie’s story to see how she has been creating unforgettable moments for cancer patients throughout her three decades of working at UCHealth.